17 Jun

Why Do You Need SEO?

Web designers are expert at design. With that in mind most designers are not marketers and are unaware of the implications of online marketing. If you do not optimize your site it’s like designing a beautiful brochure and putting it in a drawer where no one can see it. Optimization opens your site up to search engine spiders and the people searching for your products and services.

Higher Rankings |Increased Traffic | More Sales

Internet marketing and search engine optimization are concerned with higher search engine rankings and increased traffic to your web site. If the traffic is targeted to your products and services it can increase your sales and business dramatically.… Read the rest

27 Jan

Increase Your Search Engine Exposure – Optimize Your Press Releases

One of the exciting new developments in the field of search engine exposure is the optimization of your press releases. This offers you a great way to increase your presence on the web and be found for an expanded amount of keywords.

Press releases were traditionally aimed at media types such as journalists and editors. Today they have another audience ? your target market. Online press releases are now coming up under searches. Potential customers can access your information directly from your press releases. Therefore if you optimize your press releases you can help people find your web site and product information.… Read the rest

07 Dec

Search Engine Marketing (SEM) – Authority Websites

Traditional search engine optimization will continue to be part of your efforts excepting for our methodology will change. You will continue to work on link exchanges, keywords, descriptions, titles, headlines, image alt descriptions, comments, and content. Now you will focus your keywords to be very specific and watch you density. Your descriptions will not be as long, but concentrate on more concise descriptions. You will want to watch your HTML coding to make the process easier for the search engine spiders. Try using fewer tables and consider Cascading Style Sheets. The link exchanges will have to be more specific to your industry and with websites that are authoritative in nature.… Read the rest

02 Dec

Good Website Navigation and Design is Paramount for Success

Would you buy meat from a grocery store that left the bad meat in
with the good meat or wasn’t clean? Would you buy a car from a
sales lot that had totaled automobiles on the front lot? I
wouldn’t and neither would you. Your website is your grocery
store, your car lot. You must have an atmosphere that is pleasing
to buyers. One, that tells that buyer that you are not an
amateur, but instead a trained, seasoned professional. Your site
is a direct reflection of your product and that is why that
having a well designed website can make or break your sales.… Read the rest

02 Dec

Improving the Link Popularity of your site

What is important is not only the number of links to your site, but also the types of sites which are linking to you.
A link from a site which is related to yours is more valuable than a link from an unrelated site.

In this article, I explore different methods by which you can improve the link popularity of your site. I start with a method that you shouldn’t bother using, then go on to the moderately effective methods, and then end with the most effective methods you can use to boost the link popularity of your site.

1) Submitting your site to Free For All (FFA) pages

A common misconception among many Internet marketers is that while FFA pages may not directly bring in traffic to your site, it will help to improve the link popularity of your site, and hence, will indirectly bring in traffic through the search engines.… Read the rest

28 Nov

10 Ways To Indirectly Get To The Top Of Search Engines

How do you do this? Look up the top 20 web sites on the
major search engines under the keywords and phrases people
would find your web site. The key would be to then
advertise on those web sites.

The most expensive way would be to buy ad space on those
web sites. If you don’t want to spend any money, you could
use the ten strategies below. These strategies may not
apply to every web site.

1. Participate on their discussion boards.
You could post questions, answer other peoples questions,
and join in on conversations. Just include your signature
file and link at the end of your messages.… Read the rest

28 Nov

Effective Internet Marketing Strategy Writing And Submitting Original Articles

Using the right keywords and phrases in original articles
and submitting them to article directories has become one
of the most profitable ways for internet marketing and
advertising today.

Are you using this internet marketing and advertising

You may be missing the opportunity of extra profits on the
internet marketing table by not utilizing this effective

This is one of the many reasons writing original quality
content articles is now the latest marketing buzz online

The two basics that you can combine to really power a
successful website. Content and Website Back Links.

You already know that right?… Read the rest

28 Nov

5 Ways Google Will Help You With Your Traffic

But if you knew what I do, you?d realize that there are tools provided by the search engine that help you learn more about your traffic, and may even help drive visitors to your site.

Here are five ways that Google provides free traffic assistance.

#1 – Google will Help Your Pages Get Discovered with Google Sitemaps https://www.google.com/webmasters/sitemaps/login

Google Sitemaps is a program that gives you the opportunity to present your site?s pages to Google in XML or text.
Google will then come by and spider the pages, getting you indexed faster.

Take note that this doesn?t necessarily mean that your pages will be listed for your favorite keywords, only that discovery will take place a lot faster than with manual submission.… Read the rest

28 Nov

Valuable Content Equals Links

But it doesn’t matter how valuable your content is. It
doesn’t matter if you created the greatest thing since
sliced bread and you’re selling it exclusively from your
website. No one will find you if you don’t reach out. And
how do you reach out? With links.

In the brick and mortar world, a retail business depends on
demand and location. If you put a store selling something
that somebody wants in a high traffic location, you will be
successful. And sometimes it doesn’t matter if your price is
a little bit higher than everyone else’s. Look at
convenience stores that set their prices twice as high as
any grocery store.… Read the rest

14 Nov

Secret Weapon in the Link Wars

Why am I laughing? Because every linking campaign I’ve done for the past few years has turned a profit all by itself. That’s right – if search engines didn’t exist, I’d still be counting up the profits from my link-building efforts, while the poor guy with the $3,000/month link-rental bill stares at his search engine ranking reports and wonders if it’s really helping.

I have no doubt that some of those paid links *are* helping folks get their websites better exposure, whether through search engines or otherwise, and I’m not suggesting that you shouldn’t submit to directories. However, if you had an opportunity to promote your website and build links without spending as much, wouldn’t you take a look?… Read the rest