Calls-To-Action: Making Them Fit Makes All the Difference
by Karon Thackston … Read the rest
by Karon Thackston … Read the rest
Date created: 22 August 2004
If you’re having problems getting your whole site indexed then you should add a search engine friendly site map to your site. You’ll need a site map when:
Whatever your reason (or for no reason) a site map will not hurt your search engine position and may help.… Read the rest
Updated: 10 May 2005
By Dylan Downhill
This is a quick guide to displaying an RSS feed on your website. It is not meant to be extensive, it is meant to get your feet in the door of displaying content using RSS in the quickest time possible.
The two main ways to display RSS data on a website is either through client side javascript or through server side scripting. The advantage of client side javascript is it offloads the processing to the site visitor, the disadvantage is the search engines don’t run client side code and so all your syndicated RSS content will not be indexed.… Read the rest
This is a quick guide to publishing your web content through an RSS feed. It is not meant to be extensive, it is meant to get your feet in the door of publishing content using RSS in the quickest time possible.
A RSS feed is simply an XML file containing information on pages within your site. The RSS file format is as follows:
<?xml version=”1.0″ ?>
<rss version=”2.0″>
<title>Title Text </title>
<link>Link to site’s home page </link>
<description>Description of the feed</description><item>
<title>Page Title</title>
<description>Page Description</description>
<link>Page Link</link>
<author>Email to Contact You On</author>
<pubDate>Published Date</pubDate>
Where the contents from <item> to </item> are repeated for all the content you want to publish through the RSS file.… Read the rest