All About Content
Content is one of the biggest influences on the success of your search marketing program. There is a saying that … Read the rest
Content is one of the biggest influences on the success of your search marketing program. There is a saying that … Read the rest
by Karon Thackston … Read the rest
Today we are going to take a look at links and how they relate to the success of your web site. Links are very important for natural, organic search engine optimization. Often the amount of sites linking to your site determines your placement within the search engine result pages – especially for competitive keywords.
Links are also a means to drive qualified visitors to your site from other sites. This is the type of traffic that will result in conversions for your site.
Think about links as you would any business connection. You network in business to make connections that will benefit your company.… Read the rest
by Karon Thackston … Read the rest
Press releases have traditionally been associated with public relations. Over the past ten years there have been major changes in the field brought about by the development of the web. This has led to the online distributions of releases and so the function is now being increasingly associated with the technical skills belonging to search engine marketers. For many people in the search marketing field who are not experienced in public relations and have been approached to optimize press releases the field can be confusing. The basics of press release optimization are similar to keyword optimization for web sites; however there are some areas that demand specialized knowledge.… Read the rest
If your target market is on a local level your can use local search techniques to help develop your online business. Local search or geographically-based search revolves around keywords which include the desired neighborhood, towns, cities or other types of region.
SEO campaigns aimed at local markets generally are geared to develop and optimize individual site pages which are written to target the individual neighborhoods or regions.
For example if you owned a pizzeria in San Diego and you were trying to increase your business with a website there would be little to be gained by targeting a keyword such as ‘pizza.’… Read the rest