18 Jun

Elixir Interactive – Fionn Downhill feautured speaker on OMS 23 city tour 2010

Fionn Downhill CEO of Elixir Interactive an internet marketing agency specializing in Online Reputation Management and Search Engine Optimization Services is a featured speaker at the OMS 23 City tour this summer.  Fionn will present a session in Phoenix, New York, Atlanta and Charlotte.    You can read more about the tour and see an interview with Aaron Kahlow CEO of OMS here.… Read the rest

02 Jun

Avoid Inmotion Hosting

We have now had a site down since Friday and have still not managed to get it back up and today is Wednesday. This all started when our account was allegedly sending spam. Instead of informing us there was a problem so we could fix it they suspended the account. Now 6 days later and we have still not been able to get them to turn back on the account. Calling them results in being put on a queue forever. Chat with the support staff and they can’t re-enable the account. The problem is until the account is back on we can not go in and check what went wrong and why it was sending spam.… Read the rest