16 Jan

WordPress Returns ‘Unknown Host’

I wanted to park one of my domains on top of another and use the canonical feature of WordPress to redirect the inbound link equity from the one domain to the other domain however when setup the second domain always returned ‘Unknown host: xxxx.com’.

I know if this is default behavior however I had so many plugins on this server it is often hard to tell what comes from WordPress core and what comes from plugins. As this is a live site I didn’t want to turn off all plugins until I found the one creating the issue.

My solution was to use a .htaccess… Read the rest

12 Jan

Google likes to push its own products

Can’t stand this personalization kick they’ve been going on – the results I got back from one recent search where totally skewed in a way I didn’t want and didn’t ask for:

They know I shared the URLs so if Google wants to implement personalization they obviously don’t need me to join Google+ – this appears to be leveraging one product to hawk another which is what Microsoft kept doing (and kept getting fined for doing) with their Internet Explorer product. Hopefully Google will get investigated and fined – as they should be for this blatantly anti-competitive behavior by a monopoly in the search market.… Read the rest

12 Jan

WordPress Theme Scanning

Noticed on one of our clients someone was trying to scan the theme directory looking for style.css files that might exist. I would imagine this is to find themes installed, and their version numbers which would then allow the person scanning to use a known exploit to break into a WordPress installation.

I caught this because I have the ‘Redirection’ plugin installed and set to log all accesses that result in a 404 error – usually I use this to put in redirects to stop the visitor getting a ‘page not found’ message. In this instance it has helped highlight someone trying to hack the site.… Read the rest