15 Jul

Make WordPress Mobile Friendly

Following on my theme for this week, here are the steps to make WordPress mobile friendly. This assumes you are using a separate URL for your mobile friendly wordpress (such as sitename.mobi):

1 – Buy your domain and park it on your current WordPress site, so sitename.com and sitename.mobi are generating the same content

2 – Add (or modify) the file /wp-content/themes/yourtheme/functions.php and add the following lines:

remove_action(‘template_redirect’, ‘redirect_canonical’);

function elixir_urlrewrite( $url ) {… Read the rest

08 Jul

Making Your Site Mobile Friendly – CSS

CSS is vitally important in making your site mobile ready. I ended up making 3 CSS media sections in one CSS file:

  • @media screen – contains all the CSS positioning informaiton, font sizes needed for the screen, etc.
  • @media handheld – the CSS for handhelds. This removed a lot of unneeded parts of the screen (footer text), and doesn’t include positioning information.
  • @media print – CSS for when the page is printed. This changes the font size for printing, labels links for printing, turns off unnecessary navigation (left hand menus, footer, etc) and anything else to make your site look good when printed.
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03 Jul

The Importance of Online Branding

When was the last time you bought a can of cola online? A television? Signed up for legal representation? While internet marketing is a great way to drive traffic to your website to generate sales or leads, there are still many people who either won’t or can’t purchase online. However, many of these people will do research online before going a bricks and mortar store to make their purchase or before picking up the phone to make an appointment. That is one reason why more and more businesses are actively using the internet to get their brand in front of a growing number of targeted eyeballs.… Read the rest