27 Apr

Can You Lose Weight on Spam

By Scottie Claiborne

Search engine optimization is a lot like weight loss. You’ve got some things that are effective and some that are not, and it’s hard to trust the claims of one over the other. You want to believe the great-results-with-no-effort claims, and you hope they are true… but are they worth wasting your time and money on?

Fad Diets and Quick Tricks Spam

It seems every month there is a new fad in weight loss: protein-only, all the grapefruit you can eat, or high carb/low carb. All offer fast results if you’ll just stick with it. They usually do achieve some results; however, they aren’t lasting.… Read the rest

20 Apr

Google Link Filter

By James Peggie
April 20, 2005

Incoming links are important to the rankings of your website. Having a quantity of relevant incoming links increases your sites relevance and boosts rankings within Google and the other search engines.

Traditional SEO wisdom used to state – the more incoming links the better. However the new belief is that there is a preference for quality over quantity.

There is a growing consensus that within Google a “Sandbox” exists for new links. This is similar to the aging filter believed to exist for new sites – what has traditionally been known as the Google ‘Sandbox.’… Read the rest