02 Dec

Good Website Navigation and Design is Paramount for Success

Would you buy meat from a grocery store that left the bad meat in
with the good meat or wasn’t clean? Would you buy a car from a
sales lot that had totaled automobiles on the front lot? I
wouldn’t and neither would you. Your website is your grocery
store, your car lot. You must have an atmosphere that is pleasing
to buyers. One, that tells that buyer that you are not an
amateur, but instead a trained, seasoned professional. Your site
is a direct reflection of your product and that is why that
having a well designed website can make or break your sales.… Read the rest

02 Dec

Internet Marketing Beginners, Here’s The Big Secret!

Like many people struggling to make a better life for themselves,
and their families, you stumbled across the Internet as a
possible way to do this. You read about all of the big success
stories, and began planning how you would join their ranks.

After several YEARS of working long and hard at building your
websites, generating traffic, and even creating a few of your
own products, you discover that you’re working harder for
yourself than any boss would ever expect. You also calculate
that you’re earning LESS per hour than you’d earn working in
a fast food restaurant.

After many more hours of intense study, the light bulb finally comes on.… Read the rest

02 Dec

5 Ways to Create Content to Drive Traffic to Your Site

There are many ways to promote your business online. The difference between online marketing and offline marketing though is profound.

Although advertising can be very effective offline, it isn’t nearly so effective online. The reason why is that most people surf the internet looking for information. They aren’t usually interested in advertising unless the product or service in question can solve their problems.

There are five strategies that you can implement in your business that will not only create a content strategy for you but will also create a very effective marketing strategy. This strategy will only require a few hours of your time each week.… Read the rest

02 Dec

Writing Articles for Thousands of Readers

Writing articles can be incredibly valuable to your business.

Articles help establish your expertise and give you credibility. A bunch of well edited articles can be compiled into a product for sale. Articles can get your name in front of your target market repeatedly.

In this article, I?ll review what you need to do to get your articles seen by as many people as possible.

1) Length and outline?Ideally, your article should be from 500-1000 words. Article submission services prefer this length, and your reader will as well. Use an outline at first to make it simpler. I discussed some popular outlines in the last issue of Service Business Strategies.… Read the rest

02 Dec

Let Us Review Online Advertising Options

Your online business will likely require more advertising than
a contemporary business downtown, yet some new to the world of
online business do not spend the time and money to advertise
their business appropriately and are, in turn, losing money.
Your online business is crammed into the world wide web along
with thousands of others selling the same product or service as
yourself. Consider this scenario: In your hometown you want to
open an art supply store. In that same town there are thousands
of art supply stores. In order for your business to be
successful, it will have to stand out in some way from the
others.… Read the rest

02 Dec

The Present and Future of Pop Windows in Internet Marketing

A few years ago, pop-up windows were all the rage in Internet
marketing. It seemed that every time one opened a web page they
would be bombarded with offers for this or that. It had gotten to
the point where surfing the Internet was almost like playing a
video game; when the ads would pop-up one would try and close
them out before another one came. This is precisely why we have
seen the decline in the use of pop-up windows on the Internet
today; surfers simply do not even look at the pop-ups anymore.
They close the windows out before even reading the ad.… Read the rest

02 Dec

Measuring and Tracking RSS

Measuring and tracking RSS while a fairly simple concept, is
really anything but. Unlike websites, RSS have the added
caveat of potential syndication, making accurate tracking a
challenge to anyone but the extremely tech savvy.

It is not unrealistic for marketers to want to know how many
subscribers they have, which items in their feeds attract
the most interest, or how many click-throughs are generated
as a result of an RSS feed.

There are a number of 3rd party providers who focus on
tracking the consumption of RSS feeds. Some solutions are
rudimentary but likely sufficient for a small business
testing the waters with RSS.… Read the rest

02 Dec

Writing Emails With A Purpose

Knowing this pattern makes the job of internet marketers even more difficult. Our ability to cultivate and retain any significant numbers in a downline is directly determined by our ability to maximize these precious few seconds of reading time. Have you got what it takes to write an email and get the replies flying in?

Most of us send out emails almost every day. We do it all too often with out carefully thinking about it. As a result these emails are often written and sent out less than perfect and fail to produce the desired result.

The purpose of sending out mass email is usually intended to attract visitors to view a website rather than make a sale, therefore it is important to take your time and define your aim precisely before writing the email.… Read the rest

02 Dec

Article Writing: How To Use Your Chakra Energy To Write

Your thoughts, emotions or actions can either block or activate these hidden energy centres. In this article, I address ways to activate each of the Chakras to improve your article writing.

1. Base Chakra ? the energy of existence

This energy source is associated with survival, self-preservation and security. The major blockages to activating the Base Chakra are “self-sabotage” or self-talk that is full of self-doubt. The real tragedy is that, unless you can manage these self-doubts, you cut yourself off from the other six sources of energy.

You can activate the Base Chakra by: * Confronting your doubts as self-sabotage and challenging them * Visualising your completed article and the sense of achievement you will experience with publication * Sharing your concerns with others who have been successful in article writing * Listening to your body and learning to release any tensions associated with article writing

2.… Read the rest