Unable to post message to http://googleads.g.doubleclick.net. Recipient has origin xxxx
Had this issue on one site when running Chrome and after much hunting did not find a documented solution. However I did manage to find and correct the issue after a little playing with my code.
The issue ended up being a totally unrelated
tag with a float left (it was a div around the breadcrumbs). This tag was used on other pages with ads with no issues, just one page had this problem. Unfortunately it was the template for the main part of the site so the ‘unable to post message’ issue had to be fixed.
To track down if a ‘float left’ is the cause of your problem try removing all CSS style sheets and see if the ads now start working. If the Google ads do start working then you just need to add in parts of the CSS and retest until you narrow down the code that’s causing the issue.
In my code I was able to change the float left to a ‘text-align:left;’, the ads kept displaying and my look/feel was left intact.