Jquery Save to Excel II
Slightly more advanced version of my previous script. This script handles if the table doesn’t have an ID which was a problem previously. It also paves the way for multiple export options including Excel, HTML and PDF – whatever your server can handle.
This code is slightly different to previous code as it will add the export buttons to all tables on the page that do not have a class of ‘noExcel’. Run this script from your jQuery ready() function. A simpler version of this code is available at http://www.topsemtips.com/2008/11/save-html-table-to-excel-using-jquery/:
var RandomIDToUse = 1000; function AddActionsToTable( ) { $(" table:not(.noExcel)").each( function(i){ var TableID = this.id ; if ( $(this).data('ToolBarAdded') === undefined) { $(this).data('ToolBarAdded',1); var TableName = this.id ; if ( this.id == '' || this.id === undefined ){ TableName = "MyRandomID" + RandomIDToUse ; $(this).attr('id',TableName); RandomIDToUse++ ; } var FormID = 'form' + TableName ; var SavetoID = 'saveto' + TableName ; var DataToDisplayName = "datatodisplay" + TableName ; var SaveToDisk = "<div class='TableToolBar'>" + "<form action='/reports/SaveData/SaveToExcel.php' method='post' target='_blank' id='" + FormID + "'" + "onsubmit='$(\".DataToDisplay\", this ).val( $(\"<div>\").append( $(\"#" + TableName + "\").eq(0).clone() ).html() )'>" + "<input type='hidden' id='" + DataToDisplayName + "' name='DataToDisplay' class='DataToDisplay' />" + "<input type='hidden' id='" + SavetoID + "' name='SaveTo' val='' />" + "</form>" + "<input type='image' src='/images/icons/page_excel.png' width='16' height='16' alt='Save to Excel' title='Save to Excel'" + " onclick='$(\"input:checked\").attr(\"checked\",true); $(\"#" + SavetoID + "\").val(\"Excel\"); $(\"#" + FormID + "\").submit();' />" + "&nbsp;&nbsp;" + "<input type='image' src='/images/icons/doc_table.png' width='16' height='16' alt='Save to HTML' title='Save to HTML'" + " onclick='$(\"input:checked\").attr(\"checked\",true); $(\"#" + SavetoID + "\").val(\"HTML\"); $(\"#" + FormID + "\").submit();' />" + "&nbsp;&nbsp;" + "<input type='image' src='/images/icons/doc_pdf.png' width='16' height='16' alt='Save to PDF' title='Save to PDF'" + " onclick='$(\"input:checked\").attr(\"checked\",true); $(\"#" + SavetoID + "\").val(\"PDF\"); $(\"#" + FormID + "\").submit();' />" + "</div>" ; $(this).after( SaveToDisk ) ; } } ) ; }
I suggest Admin can set up a forum, so that we can talk and communicate.
I just created one at /forum/
Doesnt work it literally prints me the html you added with firefox 9.0
It posts the data to your site at /reports/SaveData/SaveToExcel.php – you will need to create that file from the previous blog post http://www.topsemtips.com/2008/11/save-html-table-to-excel-using-jquery/
Thanks for the fast reply but the html still prints. I do have that file from previous script on the website, however after each table, the html code writes as if it doesnt get interpreted by the browser.
<form action='reports/SaveToExcel.php' method='post' target='_blank' id='formMyRandomID1000'onsubmit='$(".DataToDisplay", this ).val( $("”).append( $(“#MyRandomID1000”).eq(0).clone() ).html() )’>
I found out that if you replace “<” with “”, the code gets injected, now I struggling with that SaveToExcel.php file,
Excel says the file has not a valid extension or is corrupted and the proper extensions for html and pdf are not good.
That’s one of the problems… you just have to ignore the Excel warning. Alternatively you could use the CSV code and save the file as CSV and Excel shouldn’t complain then.
Hi, can you tell how to use this code?
Ensure you include jquery library (use the Google CDN at http://code.google.com/apis/libraries/devguide.html to make life easy).
Put the code above into a